ProFantasy makes install of Campaign Cartographer 3 (CC3) really easy…but even though it is easy, doesn’t mean things can’t go wrong. I’ve done this before and even I ran into a few issues that had me searching the forums.
Despite this, I was done in about 60 minutes (including the time it took me to download everything I purchased from ProFantasy’s site). If you landed here, you, like me, ran into some problem during your install and went looking for help. I’m going to step you through my most recent install experience of Campaign Cartographer 3, City Designer 3, Dungeon Designer 3 and related products. Along the way, I’ll provide some references to where you can get more help if you need it. Aside from my experience, much of what I’m going to tell you, is already available on ProFantasy’s site. I’m just saving you the time of finding it yourself.
I’m not yet at the point where I can say that CC3 is the best mapping software out there and that you should immediately run out, purchase and install it. #Campaign cartographer 3 shelves install#
To be honest, depending upon what you want to do, CC3 may not be the right choice for you at all.
If you are more interested in creating “artistic” maps, you might be better served by installing and learning software such as Adobe Photoshop or The Gimp (a free alternative). #Campaign cartographer 3 shelves software# There are some truly amazing works of cartographic art out there. You are a tabletop gaming enthusiast, author or world-builder.I recommend you check out the Cartographer’s Guild – especially the forums – for a great place “… where every aspect of cartography can be admired, examined, learned, and discussed.” ((Don’t rush off – I’d love for you to stay and contribute to Funny-Shaped Dice I’d love to hear about your mapping experiences, get your feedback on what I’m doing here and pick up on any pointers or techniques you have to share.))įor the rest of you, I’m guessing one or more of the following is true ((If none of these are you, then why are you here? I’m curious you should leave a comment and tell me why!)): I’m not going to spend any time discussing “Artistic Maps” in the near future I just don’t have the skills to do the topic justice (yet). You are looking for a way to speed up map creation. You are looking for a hobby and thought map-making might be fun.You don’t feel like you are up to the task artistically and you’re checking out various tools to bridge that gap.